Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Safety tips for driving

There are many different types of vehicle you can learn how to drive, but there are specific steps to take when driving a normal car.

Prepare your self for the experience! Riding with you is a matter of life or death.
Have insurance and the paper to prove it.
Make sure somewhere in your checklist when you exit the vehicle that you turn off the lights.
Have your license with you.
Avoid parking illegally, your car may be towed, or you may be cited and have to pay a fine.
Be courteous to the others on the road.
Don't run red lights.
Carry cash for toll booths and parking fees.
Be safe and follow all the posted and implied laws while driving.
Learn to drive. It might be a good idea to take professional lessons from a driving institute. However, if this is not possible, enlist the aid of your staffer who is a careful driver and has been driving for a while.
Be alert. Check the rear view and side mirrors; make sure you can see all traffic and pedestrians behind you and in front of you. Make it a habit to know that you have mirrors and use them every few seconds while driving.
Watch out for bigger vehicles like large trucks, buses, and semis that charge the road. Large vehicles such as these typically have visibility and manouverability limitations that your car does not, and you need to understand that if your car comes head to head with them, your car will lose.

Please remember where you parked your car

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